Questions I Ponder...
...Why do the streets have lines or traffic lights?
Every one is everywhere - bicycles, cars, trucks, scooters, motorbikes, pedestrians, rickshaws, and our taxi driver singing away with his favourite Indian music. At least we are all driving the same direction! Oh wait...I take that back. This morning we took just a little shortcut - against the flow on a one way!! Our driver is good at dodging oncoming traffic.
...where is all the Chai Tea?
I've seen lots of coffee shops, but none (so far) have served Chai. This was one of the things I was looking forward to the most. This morning, though, a very nice lady, Rashmi, found someone to make us a few cups of Chai. SOOOOO GOOD!
...Why do cars have horns anyway?
Now I know!! The are used to say "Here I am!! Coming through!!!" Our taxi driver was turning a corner honking away. A man on a bike so casually tapped the front corner of the car and proceeded to continue cycling right in front of us! The really neat thing about driving in India, Is that you don't have to wait for an opening in a busy street. You just drive right in and hope for the best. No wait time at all. Drivers around here are so efficient. Especially on any kind of bike. It is amazing what kind of places those guys can fit. Oh ya one more driving tip. Fold in your side mirrors...they may get ripped off from a car trying to pass. It is not uncommon to see 5-6 vehicles (bikes included) across a 3 lane street.
That will be all for now. We plan on hitting the streets of New Delhi later today.
Kevin & Jen
Sounds chaotic! Good thing you're not driving, leave that for the taxi drivers, ok? How are your accommodations? food? Gracie is doing great! Please phone us, we're unable to get through to your cell. Love, mom.